
In the unfortunate event you need to cancel once you’ve registered for Canada Showcase Europe, please submit cancellation and refund requests in writing to The following cancellation policies shall apply:

  • Before September 9, 2024: Full refund minus $150 processing fee
  • September 10, 2024 – September 16, 2024: 50 percent refund minus $150 processing fee
  • After September 16, 2024: Regrettably, refunds will not be granted for requests received after this date.

Delegate Substitutions

Substitution of a registered delegate is accepted at any time with the written authorization of the delegate who is no longer able to attend, or written authorization from the Primary Company Contact. Please submit substitution requests to the

Where applicable, appointment schedules will automatically transfer from the original delegate to the substitute delegate.

Promotional filming/photographic release

Please be advised that any and all photos, audio/video and static images taken at this event may be used for exhibit, reproduction and/or distribution for company-related promotional use, including all forms of print, television, advertisement and/or website display. In consideration of your participation as a guest or attendee of this event, you authorize Destination Canada, its legal representatives, suppliers, invited media and assigns, unrestricted right and permission to copyright and use such photos and images under their sole discretion. Destination Canada, its legal representatives, suppliers and invited media are released without limitation of any claims for libel or invasion of privacy.

Important information regarding collection of personal data

Your Canada Showcase Europe registration includes publication of company contact information and company profile in the Canada Showcase Europe 2024 directories. By registering for Canada Showcase Europe, you agree that the Company Publication Address submitted in the registration form can be made available to all registered Canada Showcase Europe 2024 registered delegates. Information will not be sold or made available to the general public and will only be used for the purposes indicated above or as per Destination Canada’s official privacy policy.

You may opt out and request erasure of your personal data by contacting

Acknowledgement and agreement of terms and conditions

I have read and agree to all policies indicated above and agree to abide by the Canada Showcase Europe Terms and Conditions.